Consistency is Key
Hey girls! This phrase has been on my mind. We all know it, yet come January 1st it’s easy to be seduced by the many quick fixes thrown our way - especially when it comes to our health, our diets or our bodies. I know I’ve turned ample times to a quick fix, but it rarely, if ever, provides the experience and results I want. In fact, I can confidently say that most of them have left me feeling like a failure in more ways than one.
But when I look at the areas of my life where I have cultivated habits & beliefs that I love, that empower me and that help me look, feel and live my best, it’s not the quick fixes that have gotten me there. It’s consistency.
This has shown me that I can choose habits & practices each and every day that will help me create the positive change I want to see in my life.
I know it feels like consistency will take more time, but I promise time will continue to pass at the same rate while you repeatedly pursue quick fixes that lead to disappointment. Trust me, I’m speaking from experience!
So, what to do? Join my next Eating Intuitively Program that starts on January 18, 2021. Consistency is an important part of the program and to help show that I’m offering access to ALL FOUR Eating Intuitively Programs that run in 2021 when you sign up now!
PS: This isn’t a diet course or about weight loss. There will be no protocols or me telling you how to eat. What is it? Check out my Services page for more details!
Much love…
- Anne