My Story

My journey with healing and intuition is a long one…. though it’s really only been in the last decade of my life that I’ve reaped the benefits of them both. In fact, I spent the majority of my life being disconnected from myself and my intuition, struggling to find confidence, self love and compassion. Like many women, it instigated an unhealthy relationship with myself, my body and with food. I didn’t believe I was worthy and tore myself down with negative self talk, thoughts and beliefs for not measuring up. I now recognize evidence of this in my earliest adult years from the guys I dated, the jobs I stayed in and the lack of boundaries I set. I didn’t believe I was worthy or deserving of a wonderful relationship, the career I truly wanted or being loved by others without earning it.

Fortunately in my twenties I began the process of healing of those relationships. Throughout that time, I learned that my thought patterns were at the root of these deeply ingrained beliefs about myself and that they shaped my entire life! As I worked through these negative mentalities & beliefs, I started noticing my intuition. I began to hear it, recognize it, and respond to it! The more I did, the more healing took place within the relationships I had to myself, my body and to food. I began to find freedom from the mentalities and beliefs that had held me back for so many years.

That was the beginning of a huge transformation in my life. 

It took consistent practice while navigating this path to begin trusting my body and truly listening. It is still a work in progress (and always will be!) but the confidence & peace I have developed from learning to know, love and honor my entire being has been worth it. It has transformed the relationships I have with myself, with others and with my life. It has transformed the way I live.

  • I gained confidence!

  • I began to believe I was worthy.

  • I began to love myself.

  • I practiced recognizing negative self talk and instead chose speaking truthful, encouraging words to myself.

  • I was honest with myself about who I was and what I wanted - professionally, personally, relationally, etc.

  • I began to engage differently with friends and family -- in a way that supported my boundaries, love and compassion for myself.

  • I made big life decisions that went against my lifelong beliefs

  • I released old mindsets & beliefs that no longer served me, without shame.

  • I began to give myself grace...and others too!

  • I ditched ALL the diets and all-or-nothing mentalities.

  • I healed my relationship to food and am able to eat freely what I want & need!

  • I healed my relationship to my body and valued it for more than it’s looks.

  • I healed my relationship to exercise — I do what I love, when it feels best!

  • I healed my relationship to myself and began to love & enjoy myself!

  • I released baggage and trauma, and continue to consistently.

  • I started meeting the needs of my body as a whole -- mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually.

  • I started listening to my intuition for more than just how to eat or move my body but also for how to improve my health and live my life!

  • I got to the root cause of a decade of health issues and have seen major healing in a matter of months.

  • I released the need to meet the expectations of society & of others.

    **life is never perfect. we’re all a work in progress — and it’s the growth that matters! #progressoverperfection

AND I made a huge leap of faith and started my own health & wellness business. (Welcome!)

Now, my goal is to help people all over the world believe the same about themselves. So, I started Anne Elline, and I provide Intuition Coaching to do exactly that. It’s 1:1 intuition focused coaching to heal the relationships we have with ourselves in order to transform our lives into an existence that we love.

Want to know more? Check out my Services page for more info!


Learning to Know & Love Yourself