Practical Steps & Prompting Questions

We all know the importance of practical steps to achieve a goal or create a new habit, but in my professional opinion we also need to focus on prompting questions. In my Eating Intuitively Program I have practical steps that break down what intuition is and how to apply it towards the ways we eat BUT I also have prompting questions.

These I love. These are the heart of my program.

And here’s why -- prompting questions help you recognize the mentalities and beliefs that you have about yourself that affect the way you eat and the relationships you have to yourself & food. At the end of the day, this program is about healing those relationships SO THAT you can trust your innate intuition and find freedom in it.

Actions flow from thoughts, beliefs and emotions. Shaming thoughts, beliefs and emotions create shaming actions.

My goal is to help you release those shaming mentalities & beliefs that keep you in an unhealthy relationship with yourself & food. Then you are FREE to trust your intuition instead.

If you’re looking for more freedom around food, more compassion for yourself, more support & encouragement from other women, and the consistency to make positive change in your life - it’s time to sign up.

This session starts Jan 18. Check out my programs page for information. Plus, there’s additional details are also on my Instagram page in the stories and highlights!


Learning to Know & Love Yourself


Consistency Is Key